2 years, 3 months, 2 weeks

Firefox OS phones

Breaking the duopoly

Free and Open Source software

The web is the platform.

Firefox OS phones

Packaged or hosted

manifest.webapp (version soft)

          "name": "My App",
          "description": "My elevator pitch goes here",
          "launch_path": "/",
          "icons": { "128": "/img/icon-128.png" },
          "developer": {
            "name": "Your name or organization",
            "url": "http://your-homepage-here.org"

App manifest

Présentation par Julien Wajsberg et Jérémie Patonnier

Gecko: rendering engine

Basic data flow

What kind of security?

Security by design

Security by obscurity

Open for users

...and developers

Debugger and root access


With who?

Dev, UX, QA

Product, OEMs, carriers


Feature design & implementation

Threat modeling

Doing a code review when...

UX/UI design

But security UX is hard.

User control vs automatic choices

Raising awareness about security & privacy

Playing catch-up

Defense in depth

Process isolation, sandboxing, CSP...

Message encryption, VPN support, full disk encryption

Catching up vs. innovating

It's all about compromise.

Updates & bug bounty program

OEMs & carriers modify the code.


Proprietary APIs

No update are pushed to the phones.

No security bug bounty program

Permission model v1


Not "webby"

Too many restricted APIs

New security model for apps

Exposing APIs to the web

W3C standardization

Agreeing on use cases

UX/UI parts are hard to standardized.

Hosted apps


Decentralized trust

Use standards

Streamable packages, Sub Resource Integrity, Service Workers

Open hardware?

Ethical cost?

And now?

Transition plan

Internet of Things
